Freelance Web Designer

Provided by: Jeremy Hickman, 1 The Framptons , East Preston , West Sussex , BN16 1BD , United Kingdom.

Freelance Web Designer Services

A comprehensive range of web design services aiming to provide premium quality agency standard work at freelance rates. Delivered to a professional standard, fully inclusive of design and build, taking you from planning to launch and everything in between.

A design for your website using best practices for user experience (UX) and user engagement. The design will take into account Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to enhance your website's organic search performance. Using this as a foundation, the design will then be prepared taking into account brand guidelines if you have them, or your preferences.

Your website will be professionally developed on either the WordPress or HubSpot CMS using modern and valid code for maximum reliability and browser support. Constructed from a bespoke series of templates and content modules for maximum flexibility in the future, whilst ensuring that design integrity is assured. The site will be built so that it will be easy to edit as your content changes in the future.

The WordPress CMS is open source and widely supported with nearly half of all websites on the Internet being built on this platform. WordPress provides a user-friendly dashboard for site-owners to use to add, remove and edit their content, and this will be customised to your specific requirements. Scalable from the smallest site to very large complex sites, using WordPress means your site can grow as your needs change in the future.

Always bespoke - never a drag-and-drop DIY theme-builder. Read more

The HubSpot CMS ensures your website tightly integrates with the HubSpot CRM, allowing enhanced analytics and excellent support for your marketing strategy. The CMS offers an easy editing experience and is consistent with the wider HubSpot environment. The CMS offers excellent blog support with topics, tags and a search function, as well as the HubDB database for more complex requirements. HubSpot CMS, HubDB and other features rely on having the relevant subscription in place.

The HubSpot CRM allows you to manage your pipeline, log sales activity and store contact data all in one place. With an easy-to-use interface, the CRM offers great analytic ability with data presented via customisable reports. Integration of the CRM with your website whether it is a WordPress or HubSpot website means that you can plan and implement your marketing strategy and grow your business.

Add e-Commerce to your WordPress-based website with the capable wooCommerce plugin. Fully-featured, wooCommerce integrates with most major payment providers meaning you can securely collect payment via credit or debit cards. wooCommerce supports online stores, membership sites, or subscription models.

Who are these services for?

If you are looking for help with your project, please contact me today for an informal initial discussion.

  • Freelance Web Designer for Startups and sole traders

    A professional but affordable website for your new venture or existing small business

  • Freelance Web Designer for SME’s & Corporates

    New websites, redesigns and rebrands, using high quality bespoke themes and templates

  • Freelance Web Designer for Public Sector & Charities

    A website that will deliver when budget is all-important, but where quality can’t be compromised

  • Freelance Web Designer for Agencies

    Supporting agencies with graphic design and web design services where additional resource is needed

Web design experience and skills

With 20 years' experience in the industry, working with clients from startups, SMEs, charities and agencies, I can help with most website projects.

Front end design

Creating cool designs with great UX, just for you. See examples of my work in my portfolio

Rapid development

Sketch expert. See your design go from mock-up to reality…fast

Compliant code

An evangelist for clean and valid markup, I also push boundaries using new techniques with progressive enhancement


Extensive experience of WordPress, the flexible, user-friendly, open-source CMS


An experienced and qualified HubSpot user and can build any templates you need

Website features

Standard and optional

A comprehensive specification for your new website to ensure the very best performance for your users and in search engines. These features are available regardless of whether you choose WordPress or HubSpot as your CMS.

Feature Standard Optional
Easy-to-use WordPress or HubSpot CMS yes -
Bespoke themes and templates yes -
Mobile responsive yes -
Performance optimised code yes -
Search optimised code yes -
Structured Data / Schema markup yes -
e-commerce functionality - yes
Multilingual support - yes

If there is a specific functionality you need, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The stages of a website project

We will need to work together to end up with a successful project. To help make this smoother and more efficient for us both the project will be carefully planned, and organised into a logical order.

I will meet with you (in person if local, or video call if not) to understand what you’d like to achieve from your website. It’s important to know your priorities to ensure delivery of a site that will meet your needs entirely.

This step will also include a discussion around search optimisation. I can introduce you to a SEO professional who can assess the performance of your current site (if you have one) and what is working and what isn’t. This would help us understand how the new site can be optimised to help your target audience find you in search engines, and would give you guidance on how to effectively prepare your content for your new website. It is important to consider this at the very start of a website project to ensure that search optimisation is included as a solid foundation for the project, informing both design and build of the site.

I will talk to you about your design preferences, and whether there is any specific functionality you will need, before putting together a no-obligation proposal for you to consider. The proposal will set out the deliverables, costs and timescales of the project, together with what will be required from you.

If you accept the proposal, the project will begin.

I will prepare a draft design for the homepage of your site. Starting the with homepage is logical as it will establish many of the design cues that will be used across the rest of the site.

Usually your project will include one design and one major revision to the design for each page (or template) that comprises the site. Our detailed discussions around your preferences before we start means that this is usually more than sufficient, but further design revisions are available at additional cost if needed.

Once you approve the design, development will start, and the design of the page can no longer change without additional cost.

After the first page has been built and approved I will loop back to design the next page, which will then be developed, and so on in turn through the rest of the project.

Your new website will be built on a separate server called a staging server so that you can review the progress of the build while your current site (if you have one) stays in place.

At this point I will require your content (text, images, videos, and so on). You may be working on this yourself, or you may choose to hire a copywriter. Content development is a crucial step and your text needs to be optimised for search engines (based on SEO research if you have taken advantage of this).

Content preparation can take quite a bit of time, and it is important that it is ready on time in order not to delay the completion of your website.

Once the first page has been built and your content has been added you will have the opportunity to approve the completed page, to ensure it contains all the functionality that you had requested.

Once approved, I will circle back to prepare the next page design – and so on through the remainder of the site.

Once the website has been completed, I will carry out testing to ensure that everything functions as it should, and that the site displays correctly in all major desktop and mobile browsers.

You will also have the opportunity to browse around the site yourself on your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile, to ensure you’re happy with everything, and that the completed website matches the design that you approved.

Once testing is complete, and you have approved everything we will be ready to launch your new website.  We will agree between us a convenient time and day to take your new website live.

If it’s a brand new site I will be able to help you choose suitable web hosting, alternatively if you have an existing site your current hosting may be suitable.

Following launch, I will complete a further round of testing to ensure everything is working as it should be.

Moving forward, you might like to consider ongoing HubSpot or WordPress maintenance to ensure your site is looked after and kept reliable and secure.

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Let’s make you a great website!

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