WordPress Maintenance

Provided by: Jeremy Hickman, 1 The Framptons , East Preston , West Sussex , BN16 1BD , United Kingdom.

WordPress Maintenance Services

If your website has a problem, or if you’d just prefer someone to take care of things for you, support is available either ad-hoc or via a Care & Maintenance Plan. You’ll be assured of great service and high quality work whatever your website maintenance needs.

The best way to care for your website. The reassurance of ongoing support provided by a Care and Maintenance Plan for an all-inclusive fixed monthly fee. Depending on how often you need help, this can work out to be much better value than the standard hourly rate. For WordPress-based sites, the service includes the regular software and plug-in updates to help your site remain reliable and secure.

Sometimes you don't need ongoing help, you just have a specific task that you need support with. Ad-hoc support is available for your WordPress or HubSpot based website on an hourly- or day-rate basis. In all cases an estimate will be given to give you a guideline as to your overall cost to complete the task, but once completed there is no ongoing commitment.

Website Care & Maintenance Plan

WordPress maintenance and support when you need it

In order to maintain the reliability and integrity of your website, an ongoing Care & Maintenance strategy is highly recommended. This is a retainer-based plan, which provides a predetermined maximum number of scheduled hours per month.

For WordPress websites, as a minimum the plan will ensure that any software updates are run on a regular basis, and ensure that these updates won’t cause any adverse issues with the operation of the website.

These updates include plugin, theme and translation updates.

Additionally you may wish to make provision for general website support.  This can include page content or design amends, graphic design support, new page set-up, or other content placement and formatting.

The most important factor is that you will have a trusted expert on-hand to help you with your website.  By being in regular contact you’ll get to learn about changes to best practices or other changes that may affect you or your site.

For WordPress wesbites: WordPress and plugin updates to protect your site’s security and integrity:

  • Software updates are generally issued under an irregular schedule, but the aim is to action these weekly, or at least twice per month
  • For your peace of mind, software updates are tested offline to ensure that the updates will not cause problems with your website before they are deployed to the live site

For all websites: As many website content changes as you need (subject to the number of general support hours selected):

  • Changes or additions to text on existing pages
  • Changes or additions to images or videos on existing pages
  • New pages set up using existing templates and modules

General advice and support during office-hours, Monday to Friday

Website Care & Maintenance Plan

What does it cost?

If you are interested in support for your website please ask for the current prices.  Pre-arranging time in advance benefits from a discount rather than booking time on an ad-hoc basis as-and-when required, and also guarantees availability.

  • Payments are per calendar month, and payable in advance, on the 1st of the month covered.
  • Payable by Direct Debit - or invoice due on receipt.
  • No long term commitment: Can be upgraded, downgraded or cancelled at any time.
  • Support time is provided on a retainer basis each calendar month, and is not carried forward to future months if unused.

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